Monday, June 28, 2010

Wine into Water

I read one time that habits form figurative grooves in our brains...much like the grooves on the 45 records of my youth. To break a habit, those grooves have to be un-made, or repaved until we don't continue to return to the place we tend to go. I have a habit, that I will call my Giada time.

Oh! My Giada time is a lovely part of the day. Around 5:30 pm, I begin getting out the ingredients for the night's dinner. I tune the radio to the station fitting my mood...most likely KLove 94.1, sometimes, when I need a little smarty smart, some NPR, or if I'm feeling funky, KISS 95.1. I let my doggy in the house to lay under the prep table and keep me company. Then, I get my wine glass from its little spot, and fill it up from the box. Yes, the box. I have sampled wines from around the world, 2 buck Chuck to Dom Perignon, but I love the Franzia white table wine. It is not too sweet, but with none of that tartness that makes you more thirsty than when you started. Then, I begin to cook and have dinner about ready by the time B walks in. I am relaxed, calm, in my happy place. It may not taste like Everyday Italian's Giada De Laurentiis cooked the meal, but its all about how it feels, you know, the ambiance.

Well, I came to realize that this was EVERY night. I began to analyze, because I was a psych major, this is what we do. I accused, I excused, then I just said to myself, "Self, I don't want to depend on my glass of wine to chill me." I only want to depend on God. And, as an ms'er, I have frequent liver testing due to my injectible meds. I am always looking at my diet and lifestyle and striving to be healthy in body, but mind and spirit too. I got to give it to Montel Williams, the television personality, he doesn't drink at all and is on a super healthy regimen, due to having ms. BTW, I recommend his books...he's a smart and decent guy. Anywho, I decided I needed a wine fast. (That's probably NOT one you'll find in the Bible!) My chi, and my Giada, is a little off kilter right now. Today is day 8. Not liking it one bit. It is h-a-r-d to break a habit.

When I return to the place of habit, around dinner time, I say a prayer and grab a big glass of water. I remind myself of my commitment. And today, I thought about my friend that wants to quit smoking...a tough habit to break.

See you on the flip side. I think maybe I'll go and brew a relaxing cup of green tea...


  1. I'm very proud of you for doing this, and your determination. That being said, there are worse habits you could have, and I do think they say wine is good for your heart. Oh wait,
    that's red wine, isn't it? My drink of choice.

  2. Wine, red or white, was enjoyed in biblical times. Our Lord Jesus drank at the table too, I believe. It's over-indulgence that is the enemy. I love you with or without the glass, but please don't give up the mug o' coffee. lol -Jessica xo
