Thursday, August 12, 2010

Who do you wanna be when you grow up?

Many moons ago, twenty-ish years ago worth of moons, I was a young, idealistic, college student ready to change the world. I lived in a dorm with mostly Business majors and they became my closest friends, accepting me despite my lack of direction. See, there's not a major called "Setting out to change the World." So, I settled on Psychology.

When I graduated, I sent resumes far and wide, but I think my lack of knowing my place in the world probably glared off the page. I was offered two memorable jobs, one as a live-in counselor in a youth home, the other as a Red Cross assistant director on call 24/7. Neither job meshed with my newly acquired title of "Wife." My degree, temporarily rendered useless, went on a shelf, and I worked diligently at various administrative jobs until the birth of my first beautiful daughter. Thus began the hardest job in the world...Mom.

In this complex postition, I know I have used that Psych degree. From attachment to developmental issues, reward vs. punishment, all the way to today's sibling rivalry, I already knew a lot of that stuff all the parenting books try to explain. (Of course, it's a bit different with your own live kid;) There is though, the danger of intern's disease...I have diagnosed my family with a variety of personality disorders that I'm pretty sure they don't have.

With my youngest in school now, the inevitable pursuit of "career" ensues. And still, I desire to change the world. As much as that sounds childlike, I know a little more, twenty years later, about what that might look like. I want to leave my world a better place. I want to ease someone's suffering. I want to feed the hungry children, and let them know love. I want to be a friend to the friendless. I've considered returning to school, to pursue a higher degree. But, I have come to realize I already have the schooling I need for this next job--LIFE and an open heart.

Watch out I come!

"Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in."
Mark 10:14 MSG

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT


  1. You are woman, hear you ROAR. You are phenomenal, no matter what you do, child of God, wife, mother, and friend. I love you!

  2. You are just now realizing what I have known all along, that you are more than equipped for the job.
    Go make a difference as you always have.
